The Howfar in the Congo Orphanage houses 120 children, ages 5 to 10, who have lost both of their parents in the ongoing war that ravages the region.  The home offers a place of safety for children who would otherwise be on the street.

The staff at HowFar in the Congo Orphanage provides one large meal per day which is more than many people in the area get.

The HowFar in the Congo Abused Woman’s Centers counsel and train women who have been raped by soldiers.  The North Kivu region, where the howFar Compound sits, currently has the highest reported instances of rape in the entire world.

Women who have been raped are customarily shunned by their families and are forced out onto the streets.

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We run conservation projects with our partners, seeking the most constructive solutions.

The HowFar in the Congo Widows Centers provide a place of safety and job training as a seamstress to women who have lost their husbands in the continued armed conflicts. These centers provide job training, equipment and materials so these women can generate an income to support their children.

The HowFar in the Congo Medical Clinic in Mudja DRC provides much needed medical care to the rural village of Mudja.  Before we opened this clinic, people died on the 3 hour walk to the closest place to get medical care.  We have a team of Nurses and Medical Technicians that consult approximately 30 patients per day.